Better Together
Third party validation already exists
We’ve written about how complementary Symantec and Carbon Black are to each other from a
mission and technology perspective. Both are engineering-first and innovation-centric brands.
This compatibility made our strategic direction simple, straightforward and customer-focused. It
also led to a rapid integration of our teams.
With Carbon Black and Symantec joining forces at Broadcom, we are committed to securing the
world’s largest and most advanced enterprises. We start with the best security research and
technology in the world. You can test us on that. In fact, we just were.
Recently, Symantec Endpoint Security was honored with the prestigious Best Endpoint
Protection award from SE Labs. VMware by Broadcom also brought home its first SE Labs
award since joining Broadcom: Best Network Detection and Response. The two teams that
deliver unparalleled protection solutions against the ever-evolving threat landscape, are now
one. And we passed our first test.

A Word About the Tests
SE Labs has established itself as a trusted authority in independent testing of security solutions,
using rigorous and realistic testing methodologies. We eagerly participate in SE Labs’
evaluations to showcase the strength of our protection and detection capabilities.
Multiple awards were given out by SE Labs, but it’s important to note that Broadcom won
enterprise awards. While other vendors do well for home users and small businesses, we took
home crown jewel awards for large enterprises.
These awards come just a month after Symantec was recognized for both Best Protection and
Best Advanced Protection from AV-TEST.

AV-TEST Recognizes Symantec Endpoint Security With Two Awards for 2023
We celebrate success in AV-Test’s 20th anniversary year

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