Symantec Crowned Fastest Endpoint and Best Protection Five Years Straight
Latest results from independent lab AV-TEST once again prove Symantec technology is unsurpassed
The prestigious AV-TEST Institute recognized Symantec Endpoint Security (SES) for both the 2019 Best Protection and the 2019 Best Performance awards. This is SES’s fifth straight Best Protection award, and SES’s first Best Performance award. Notably, SES is the only enterprise endpoint product to win both awards, demonstrating that with the right technology, security does not need to require compromises in user productivity.
“Symantec, now an Enterprise division of Broadcom continues their dynasty of Best Protection for the 5th year in a row. Extending their head and shoulder lead over the industry in Best Protection, Symantec reached new heights as the only product to also win the very challenging Best Performance category,” said AV-TEST CEO Andreas Marx.
Symantec, now an Enterprise division of Broadcom continues their dynasty of Best Protection for the 5th year in a row.
AV-TEST performs rigorous assessments that use the latest attacks that are brand-new and active in the threat landscape. Throughout 2019, SES was subjected to thousands of these zero-day attacks. SES blocked every single attack, with no misses. While the security software is working, AV-TEST measures performance by carrying out typical workday tasks using critical enterprise applications. SES ranked first among all enterprise competitors in the performance testing.
As a customer-driven company, Broadcom invests $4.7 billion in R&D annually and we couldn’t be happier to put that kind of engineering investment muscle to work to continue to stay ahead of threats and the competition. Our cloud-driven analytics, expert-driven machine learning, and passion for protecting customers enables us to lead AV-TEST and we will continue to drive innovation as part of the Broadcom family.
Attacks are always changing, so it takes relentless focus to stay ahead. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. The AV-TEST awards recognize not only excellence but consistency – no small feat, and one we know our customers appreciate.

Symantec | Broadcom: Innovation and Strategy for Your Success
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Symantec Named a Leader
In 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways and the 2019 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers

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